Ethopian Orthodox TewahedoFaith & SpiritualityHistory Roots and CultureNEWSSHORT FACTS Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Festival Meskel | The Finding of the True Cross RASTAFARI TV September 27, 2018 March 15, 2023 Meskel, one of the major Ethiopian Orthodox festivals is celebrated for two days beginning September 26th. Legend has it that in the... 06.6K600 Continue reading
CHANNELSEVENTSHistory Roots and CultureNEWSSHORT FACTS Enkutatash! Happy Ethiopian New Year 2010 EC – Sept. 11, 2017 WC RASTAFARI TV September 11, 2018 March 16, 2023 September 11, 2016 is Ethiopian New Year, Meskaram 1, 2009 in Ethiopia. If you travel to Ethiopia, you will be 8 years younger beca... 072100 Continue reading
ActivismHistory Roots and CultureLIFESTYLENEWSSHORT FACTS Music Can Be A Vice RASTAFARI TV June 21, 2018 March 7, 2023 Music Can Be A Vice Some people will agree that there are too many youth in these current generations who are misguided, disrespectf... 037700 Continue reading
Finance & InvestmentNation Building ProjectsNEWSSHORT FACTSSustainable Life Introducing myEcon! The Personal Financial Success Company RASTAFARI TV June 21, 2018 March 7, 2023 Are you living paycheck to paycheck and up to your neck in debt? Would you like to free up $300-$1000 p... 047700 Continue reading
CHANNELSEthopian Orthodox TewahedoFaith & SpiritualityHistory Roots and CultureNation Building ProjectsNEWSSHORT FACTS Quick Facts: Bet Gabriel Rufael one of the 11 monolithic rock-cut churches in Lalibela RASTAFARI TV January 2, 2018 March 15, 2023 Bet Gabriel Rufael – one of the 11 monolithic rock-cut churches found in Lalibela (formerly known as Roha) in northern Ethiopi... 052600 Continue reading
CHANNELSHistory Roots and CultureNEWSSHORT FACTSSolomonic Dynasty Quick Fact: Empress Zewditu – the only female Monarch of Ethiopia to be crowned Nigiste Negestat (Queen of Kings) RASTAFARI TV January 1, 2018 March 16, 2023 Empress Zewditu – the only female Monarch of Ethiopia to be crowned in her own right as Nigiste Negestat (Queen of Kings) sinc... 01.3K00 Continue reading
SHORT FACTSSolomonic Dynasty Quick Facts: Foreign Evangelist missionaries assisted thousands of Ethiopians RASTAFARI TV November 10, 2017 March 7, 2023 TEACHINGS OF HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY… Who could tell that there is so much difference between different religious books and the t... 038000 Continue reading
SHORT FACTSSolomonic Dynasty H.I.M. Speaks: Why I follow Christ RASTAFARI TV November 10, 2017 March 7, 2023 TEACHINGS OF HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY… It’s quite true that there is no perfection in humanity. From time to time we make mi... 037600 Continue reading
SHORT FACTSSolomonic Dynasty H.I.M. Motivated by the teaching of Christ and by the words of St. Mark RASTAFARI TV November 10, 2017 March 7, 2023 TEACHINGS OF HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY… Motivated by the teaching of Christ and by the words of St. Mark “Go ye into all the world... 036800 Continue reading
CHANNELSEthopian Orthodox TewahedoFaith & SpiritualityHistory Roots and CultureNEWSSHORT FACTS Quick Fact: Ethiopian Christian & Muslim Brotherhood Relations Forever RASTAFARI TV November 10, 2017 March 15, 2023 Ethiopian Christians and Muslims in friendship and brotherhood for eternity It all started back in the year 615 A.D. when muslim ref... 067100 Continue reading
History Roots and CultureSHORT FACTSSolomonic Dynasty Quick Fact: Ancient Ethiopia was one of the 4 major world powers (1st century B.C. until 900 A.D.) RASTAFARI TV November 10, 2017 March 7, 2023 Ancient Ethiopia was one of the 4 major world powers among Rome, Persia and China in late antiquity (1st century B.C. until 900 A.D.... 043000 Continue reading
CHANNELSNEWSSHORT FACTSSolomonic Dynasty Quick Fact: Emperor Menelik II receives a Russian Delegation (1890s) RASTAFARI TV November 10, 2017 March 16, 2023 The history of the diplomatic relationship between Russia and Ethiopia is rarely known although its very interesting. Russia provide... 062400 Continue reading