SHORT FACTSSolomonic Dynasty Emperor Selassie cheered by over a million New Yorkers & given honorary degrees RASTAFARI TV May 23, 2016 March 15, 2023 DID YOU KNOW? While visiting the United States, Emperor Haile-Selassie was cheered by more than a million New Yorkers in a ticker ta... 059000 Continue reading
CHANNELSSHORT FACTSSolomonic Dynasty Emperor Tewodros II (1855-1869) – Ethiopian Great Warrior Leader RASTAFARI TV February 2, 2015 March 16, 2023 This video is the pictorial history of Emperor of Ethiopia King Tewdros 1855-1869 birth name Kassa Hailu. The times were known as th... 024.7K740 Continue reading
CHANNELSHistory Roots and CultureSHORT FACTSSolomonic Dynasty Empress Taitu Betul – Architect of Ethiopian Independence RASTAFARI TV August 17, 2016 March 16, 2023 Taitu Betul was Empress of Ethiopia from 1889 to 1913. The third of four children in an aristocratic Ethiopian family that descende... 050000 Continue reading
CHANNELSEVENTSHistory Roots and CultureNEWSSHORT FACTS Enkutatash! Happy Ethiopian New Year 2010 EC – Sept. 11, 2017 WC RASTAFARI TV September 11, 2018 March 16, 2023 September 11, 2016 is Ethiopian New Year, Meskaram 1, 2009 in Ethiopia. If you travel to Ethiopia, you will be 8 years younger beca... 073000 Continue reading
History Roots and CultureNEWSSHORT FACTS Ethiopia | Birth of the Gods by Diodorus RASTAFARI TV August 23, 2016 March 15, 2023 On the Ethiopians who dwell beyond Libya and their antiquities Now the Ethiopians, as historians relate, were the first of all men a... 048300 Continue reading
CHANNELSEthopian Orthodox TewahedoFaith & SpiritualityHistory Roots and CultureSHORT FACTS Ethiopia became Christian in the 4th Century, long before many in Europe had heard of Christianity RASTAFARI TV September 21, 2016 March 15, 2023 Ethiopia became Christian in the 4th Century, long before many in Europe had heard of Christianity….Dr. Kwame Opoku When the t... 042600 Continue reading
ActivismNEWSSHORT FACTS Ethiopia: 15 million people in need of food aid RASTAFARI TV November 10, 2015 March 7, 2023 The UN says in one area two babies are dying every day. The United Nations has warned that more than 15 million people in Eth... 04.5K70 Continue reading
FILM & MOVIESHistory Roots and CultureNEWSSHORT FACTS ETHIOPIA: Heart of Africa and it`s Mysterious History RASTAFARI TV February 28, 2016 March 7, 2023 A short Documentary and glimpse into this ancient homeland crossroads and it`s people of today. Home to the Temple of the Ark of the... 060300 Continue reading
Ethopian Orthodox TewahedoFaith & SpiritualityHistory Roots and CultureNEWSSHORT FACTS Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Festival Meskel | The Finding of the True Cross RASTAFARI TV September 27, 2018 March 15, 2023 Meskel, one of the major Ethiopian Orthodox festivals is celebrated for two days beginning September 26th. Legend has it that in the... 06.6K600 Continue reading
CHANNELSEthopian Orthodox TewahedoFaith & SpiritualityHistory Roots and CultureNEWSSHORT FACTS Facts: Ancient Ethiopia, The Chosen Land of God RASTAFARI TV February 28, 2016 March 15, 2023 Any one doubts this will find ample evidence in such works as The Voice of Africa, by Dr. Leo Froebenius; Prehistoric Nations, and A... 066500 Continue reading
SHORT FACTSSolomonic Dynasty H.I.M. lobbied to unify Eritrea with Ethiopia from under British rule RASTAFARI TV May 24, 2016 March 7, 2023 Atse Qedamawi Haile Selassie seen cutting the tape on the boundary between Eritrea and Ethiopia on 3rd October 1952, to establish th... 049700 Continue reading
SHORT FACTSSolomonic Dynasty H.I.M. Motivated by the teaching of Christ and by the words of St. Mark RASTAFARI TV November 10, 2017 March 7, 2023 TEACHINGS OF HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY… Motivated by the teaching of Christ and by the words of St. Mark “Go ye into all the world... 037300 Continue reading