ActivismNEWS Serial killers and politicians share traits RASTAFARI TV August 7, 2014 March 7, 2023 (The following commentary includes material obtained by the National Association of Chiefs of Police from the Federal Bureau of Inve... 054000 Continue reading
ActivismHistory Roots and CultureNEWS Sex farms during slavery & the effeminization of Black Men RASTAFARI TV February 5, 2016 March 7, 2023 Did you know that during slavery the slave holders would buy male slaves to engage in forced homosexual sex acts? These male slaves... 07.9K00 Continue reading
ActivismDocumentariesHistory Roots and Culture Sex for Grades: undercover inside Nigerian and Ghanaian universities – BBC Africa Eye documentary RASTAFARI TV March 10, 2023 Universities in Nigeria and Ghana have been plagued by stories of sexual harassment by lecturers and professors for decades. Allegat... 011.5M100.3K0 Continue reading
ActivismNation Building ProjectsNEWS Sex Offender Alert! “Conscious Pimp “prostitutes women, poses as Rasta?! RASTAFARI TV June 14, 2016 March 7, 2023 It has been brought to our attention that there is a sex offender in the midst of INI posting as Rastafari sporting a turban on his... 061100 Continue reading
ActivismFinance & InvestmentNation Building ProjectsNEWS Shashamane Foundation Inc. USA’s Fundraiser RASTAFARI TV December 1, 2020 March 7, 2023 The Shashamane Foundation, a registered 501C (3) Non-Profit organization, is once again presented with the rare opportunity t... 040300 Continue reading
Activism Shocking! Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide in Ethiopia by government RASTAFARI TV August 15, 2015 March 7, 2023 STOP GENOCIDE & ETHNIC CLEANSING IN ETHIOPIA. Let us Pray for Ethiopia. To our viewers that raised the concern of the Oromos, i... 043300 Continue reading
ActivismNEWS Sierra Leone’s top Ebola doctor is dead from Ebola RASTAFARI TV August 1, 2014 March 7, 2023 We offer prayers for Our People suffering from dis-ease and genocide. PSALM 91- Psalm of Protection: He that dwelleth in the... 058300 Continue reading
ActivismNEWSSHORT FACTS Sign Petition! Justice For Jawara, Son of Peter Tosh Beaten to Coma for Cannabis Sentence RASTAFARI TV October 25, 2017 March 7, 2023 Jawara McIntosh, Son of Peter Tosh, Beaten to A Coma During 6 Month Cannabis Sentence USDOJ: Investigate the Brutal Beating of Jawar... 034900 Continue reading
ActivismNation Building ProjectsNEWS Sign The Petition: Respect Rastafari 10 Demandment RASTAFARI TV September 2, 2021 March 7, 2023 Calling all concerned Rastafarians and supporters of Human Rights to sign this unified global protest demanding the Governmen... 073.9K1K0 Continue reading
ActivismHistory Roots and Culture Slavery, a current issue for Libya and beyond. RASTAFARI TV March 10, 2023 According to the west Libya was “liberated from and evil dictator.” The real reason is the same as usual… money an... 05.1K220 Continue reading
ActivismNEWS Smartphones: The world in your pocket – The Congolese silent Genocide & blood in your hand RASTAFARI TV September 22, 2016 March 7, 2023 Google, Apple, Intel and other tech companies revealed that minerals sold to fund combattants in the Democratic Republic of Congo an... 053K2890 Continue reading
ActivismHistory Roots and CultureNEWS Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu South African Freedom Fighter RASTAFARI TV May 23, 2017 March 7, 2023 Synopsis: Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) cadre. Mahlangu was wrongfully accused on charges of murder and terrorism in 1977, and executed by... 075000 Continue reading