ActivismNEWSTravel African Escaping Refugee Crisis, Sold as Slaves in Libya cause riots in Paris RASTAFARI TV November 22, 2017 March 7, 2023 Sub-Saharan Africans voluntarily emigrate to seek better life in Europe through whichever way they can find. The overwhelming majori... 02.1M7.4K0 Continue reading
ActivismNation Building ProjectsNEWS St. Vincent Taking the Lead in Push for Slavery Reparations RASTAFARI TV November 20, 2016 March 7, 2023 Dr. Ralph Gonsalves has been leading the charge for reparations in the Caribbean, citing African slavery and genocide. The Prime Min... 01.6K100 Continue reading
ActivismNEWS U.S. owes black people reparations for a history of ‘racial terrorism,’ says U.N. panel RASTAFARI TV November 19, 2016 March 7, 2023 The history of slavery in the United States justifies reparations for African Americans, argues a recent report by a U.N.-affiliated... 044300 Continue reading
ActivismNEWS Obama Executive Order 13603 Authorizes Slavery In The US RASTAFARI TV June 12, 2016 March 7, 2023 In March 2012, President Obama quietly signed an Executive Order that has major implications should some sort of national emergency... 086800 Continue reading
FILM & MOVIESHistory Roots and CultureNEWS Film: Telling The Story of Slavery in America RASTAFARI TV February 20, 2016 March 7, 2023 The Whitney Plantation is the first museum dedicated to telling the story of slavery in America. Discussing the legacy of slavery in... 00.9M3.1K0 Continue reading
ActivismHistory Roots and CultureNEWS Sex farms during slavery & the effeminization of Black Men RASTAFARI TV February 5, 2016 March 7, 2023 Did you know that during slavery the slave holders would buy male slaves to engage in forced homosexual sex acts? These male slaves... 07.9K00 Continue reading
History Roots and CultureNEWSTravel Proof, Jama Province in Ethiopia is the Ancestral homeland & bloodline of JAMAicans RASTAFARI TV November 14, 2015 March 15, 2023 Proof of the Ancestral Homeland of the Jamaican People in Ethiopia. I’ve always known deep in my heart Jamaica and Ethiopia ha... 01.7K00 Continue reading
ActivismHistory Roots and CultureNEWS History & Science of The Moors, Greatest Race-Traitors in Black History RASTAFARI TV November 13, 2015 March 7, 2023 Video: Dr.BOOKER T. COLEMAN The History and Science of The Moors *Note* Though we DO NOT AGREE with everything Dr. Booker T. Coleman... 01.7K00 Continue reading
ActivismNEWS Jamaica calls for Britain to pay billions of pounds in reparations for slavery RASTAFARI TV September 29, 2015 March 7, 2023 Downing Street says David Cameron does not believe compensation is the right approach ahead of his first official visit to Jamaica D... 037400 Continue reading
ActivismHistory Roots and Culture Indigenous Leaders Want Pope Francis To Rescind Bull Justifying Imperialism RASTAFARI TV September 27, 2015 March 15, 2023 The Doctrine of Discovery, which allowed taking indigenous land 500 years ago, still underpins Indian law in the U.S. Ahead of Pope... 043100 Continue reading
ActivismFinance & InvestmentNEWS Reparations commission says Caribbean due £7 trillion total for slavery RASTAFARI TV June 25, 2015 March 7, 2023 THE National Commission on Reparations (NCR) says Jamaica would be due at least £2.3 trillion (approximately J$416.3 trillion) from... 050800 Continue reading
ActivismNEWS Hidden Dubai: impoverished quarantined laborers live in harsh conditions though they built the “paradise” city RASTAFARI TV April 9, 2015 March 7, 2023 A snippet of an article about Dubai from the Independent: There are three different Dubais, all swirling around each other. There ar... 044000 Continue reading