ActivismNEWS Violent clashes in Ethiopia over ‘master plan’ to expand Addis RASTAFARI TV December 13, 2015 March 7, 2023 At least 10 students are said to have been killed and hundreds injured during protests against the Ethiopian government’s plans to e... 043400 Continue reading
FILM & MOVIESHistory Roots and CultureNation Building ProjectsSolomonic Dynasty H.I.M. Short Reel: Introducing Ethiopia to The West RASTAFARI TV December 13, 2015 March 15, 2023 Transcribed by RasTafari TV Network: Ethiopia has been a Christian kingdom from the first half of the 4th century. There are over 1... 061100 Continue reading
NEWS Meet the Rastafarians of Ethiopia – Repatriates RASTAFARI TV December 9, 2015 March 7, 2023 Meet the Rastafarians of Ethiopia, a band of believers who have made their way home to the Promised Land. Repatriates describe the... 056300 Continue reading
ActivismCHANNELSFaith & SpiritualityNEWS Some Durham ministers challenge the image of traditional “White” Christ RASTAFARI TV December 6, 2015 March 15, 2023 “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free,” preaches the Rev. Curtis Gatewood to the 25 people crammed... 047300 Continue reading
CHANNELSEthopian Orthodox TewahedoFaith & SpiritualityHistory Roots and CultureNEWS Earliest known biography of an African woman translated to English for the first time RASTAFARI TV December 4, 2015 March 15, 2023 Ethiopian noblewoman Walatta Petros left her husband to stop the spread of Roman Catholicism, possibly fell in love with a fellow nu... 047900 Continue reading
CHANNELSFaith & SpiritualityHistory Roots and CultureNEWS Fear of The Black Messiah? The True Identity of Christ RASTAFARI TV November 29, 2015 March 15, 2023 It is recorded in the scriptures that “ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Therefore, one can su... 01.2K00 Continue reading
ActivismHistory Roots and CultureMemorials and MartyrsNEWSSolomonic Dynasty This Ethiopian prince was kidnapped by Britain – now it must release him RASTAFARI TV November 27, 2015 March 15, 2023 Seven-year-old Prince Alemayehu was captured – along with many national treasures – in 1868. His remains are held in Windsor Castle... 083.5K3610 Continue reading
History Roots and CultureNEWS Promised land no more? Rastafaris struggle in Ethiopia, stateless and not allowed to own property, or even pay taxes RASTAFARI TV November 24, 2015 March 7, 2023 RTV Note to subscribers: I came across this article and is sharing with you. Shashemane was given by our Emperor Haile Selassie I... 045600 Continue reading
Solomonic Dynasty 1973: Nov. 20-22, Jazz great Duke Ellington toasts with Emperor Haile Selassie RASTAFARI TV November 20, 2015 March 15, 2023 In late 1973 Ellington and his orchestra made Duke’s last European concert tour, but the State Department arranged for them to... 01K00 Continue reading
CHANNELSHistory Roots and CultureNEWSStyleBook Watch The Gorgeous Evolution Of ‘100 Years Of Ethiopian Beauty’ RASTAFARI TV November 20, 2015 March 15, 2023 This is simply stunning. WatchCut, the brand behind the “100 Years Of Beauty” series that runs on YouTube, has taken a t... 063000 Continue reading
History Roots and CultureNEWSTravel Proof, Jama Province in Ethiopia is the Ancestral homeland & bloodline of JAMAicans RASTAFARI TV November 14, 2015 March 15, 2023 Proof of the Ancestral Homeland of the Jamaican People in Ethiopia. I’ve always known deep in my heart Jamaica and Ethiopia ha... 01.7K00 Continue reading
FEATURED VIDEOSHistory Roots and CultureNEWS Pan African Colors and Origin of Colors Green, Yellow & Red in Our Flags RASTAFARI TV November 14, 2015 March 15, 2023 Growing up, it bothered me when people associated these colours with Jamaica, hippies, or even marijuana, yet were not able to locat... 01.4K00 Continue reading