NEWS Three teens charged with murder of Luciano’s son RASTAFARI TV March 7, 2016 March 7, 2023 Luciano – In The Name Of Love (Official Video) KINGSTON, Jamaica – The police have reportedly charged three teenagers w... 033100 Continue reading
ActivismCHANNELSFEATURED VIDEOSFinance & InvestmentNation Building ProjectsNEWSRTV ORIGINALSSolomonic Dynasty Trans Caribe Express Shippers Investing In Schools Around Jamaica RASTAFARI TV January 9, 2017 March 15, 2023 TRANS CARIBE Express, a New Jersey-based family-owned shipping company, is committed to ensuring that the country of their birth, Ja... 01.8K110 Continue reading
ActivismCHANNELSEVENTSLIJ Youth ChannelNation Building ProjectsNEWSRTV ORIGINALSSolomonic DynastySustainable Life Urgent Haile Selassie High School Health, Education & Beautification Mission RASTAFARI TV January 8, 2017 March 15, 2023 Dear Family, Friends and Alumni of Haile Selassie I High School, The Haile Selassie I High School was bequeathed as an imperial gift... 044300 Continue reading
ActivismFILM & MOVIESNEWS Wake Up! Jamaica is NOT truly Independent RASTAFARI TV August 11, 2015 March 7, 2023 Is Jamaica as we know it really independent? The Ancient people from this island were called Nubians/Ethiopians. In 1611 slave mas... 01.3K90 Continue reading