ActivismNation Building ProjectsNEWS United Nations to Pay Haitians $200M for Deadly Cholera Blamed Peacekeepers RASTAFARI TV November 14, 2016 March 7, 2023 The United Nations is struggling to raise $200 million to help the families of victims of a deadly outbreak of cholera in Haiti, a s... 040100 Continue reading
ActivismNEWS Thousands of Haitians Are Stuck at U.S.-Mexico Border RASTAFARI TV October 26, 2016 March 7, 2023 After the 2010 earthquake, the Department of Homeland Security announced that they wouldn’t deport Haitians. Some went to Braz... 026.4K2010 Continue reading
ActivismHistory Roots and CultureNEWS During the Holocaust Haiti Issued Passports To Jewish Families to Leave Germany RASTAFARI TV October 18, 2016 March 7, 2023 I bet you didn’t know that during the Holocaust, Haiti issued out passports (sold them) to Jewish families so that they could leave... 051600 Continue reading
ActivismNation Building ProjectsNEWS Haitians urging not to give money to UN, American Red Cross or Clinton Foundation RASTAFARI TV October 13, 2016 March 7, 2023 DO YOUR PART! Help the relief effort in Haiti EVERT WAY you can. Give to families you know and ethical charities you trust. W... 049400 Continue reading
ActivismNEWS The Clintons Blood Money Criminal Enterprise and Rape of Haiti, stealing billions of dollars RASTAFARI TV September 24, 2016 March 7, 2023 On January 12, 2010 a massive 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti, devastating the island and killing over 300,000 people. Haiti’s pro... 086400 Continue reading
ActivismHealth & VitalityNation Building ProjectsNEWS Reparation to Haiti : UN Admits Role in Haiti’s Cholera Outbreak After Years of Denial RASTAFARI TV September 22, 2016 March 7, 2023 PRESS RELEASE Reparations to Haiti Colonialism Reparation asks that the demands of justice and compensation presented by the victims... 05K890 Continue reading
Nation Building ProjectsNEWS Haiti will officially become a full member of the African Union in June RASTAFARI TV May 2, 2016 March 7, 2023 Haiti will officially become a member of the African Union at the next summit of the regional organization in June. According to thi... 052000 Continue reading
CHANNELSSolomonic Dynasty 1966, April 24: H.I.M. Haile Selassie I Visits Haiti RASTAFARI TV April 23, 2016 March 16, 2023 Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia (fore, R) reviewing parade with President Francois Duvalier (fore, L) during visit. Video:... 016.6K550 Continue reading
ActivismNEWSSustainable Life Haiti Farmers Reject Monsanto, They Burn GMO Seeds RASTAFARI TV April 17, 2016 March 7, 2023 In an attempt to backdoor GMO seeds into a new market, Monsanto has taken the opportunity to donate hundreds of tons of GMO seeds to... 060400 Continue reading
Health & VitalityNEWS Haitian Doctor Prayed Before, Makes Medical History With Very Rare Procedure On Conjoined Twins RASTAFARI TV June 12, 2015 March 7, 2023 Haitian-born surgeon Henri Ford made medical history in his home country when he performed a rare surgery there for the first time.... 057800 Continue reading