Nov 4, 2018 DARC Ethiophile Banquet & RasTafari Meritorious Awards NY
Every year during the time of the Great Coronation, the RasTafari nation commemorates the occasion with a variety of celebrations. It is customary for the DARC Foundation to pay homage with a reagal Ethiophile Banquet and Awards ceremony. This event not only pays tribute to African Zion Divine Negus Nägäst but also commemorates the birth of the Great RasTafari nation as well as the revelation of the Sirius star system to the Western World. During the event we recognize the works of our peers within the global Pan-African community, and congregate in a united and exemplary manor that befits the moral integrity of Royal Ethiopian subjects. The 2018 Ethiophile Banquet commemorates the 87th Anniversary of the aforementioned.