FILM & MOVIESNEWSScience & TechnologySustainable Life Africa is Splitting in Two at The Rift Valley to Form a New Continent RASTAFARI TV March 30, 2018 March 22, 2023 A Superplume Is the Reason Africa Is Splitting Apart Primordial gases confirm the cause of the East African Rift Africa slowly split... 01.2M8.1K0 Continue reading
ActivismFILM & MOVIESFinance & InvestmentNation Building ProjectsNEWSScience & TechnologySustainable Life For the cost of an iPhone, you can now buy a wind turbine that can power an entire house for lifetime RASTAFARI TV March 16, 2018 March 22, 2023 Indian startup Avant Garde Innovations has developed a low-cost wind turbine that can generate 3-5 kW hours of electricity daily Soo... 0578.7K1.3K0 Continue reading
FILM & MOVIESFinance & InvestmentNation Building ProjectsNEWSScience & TechnologySustainable Life Ethiopia builds Africa’s first energy plant that converts trash into electricity RASTAFARI TV February 23, 2018 March 22, 2023 Waste management is one of the biggest challenges confronting many African countries. The issue of collection, management and dispos... 014.9K1540 Continue reading
FILM & MOVIESHistory Roots and CultureNEWSScience & Technology DNA shows early Briton “Cheddar Man” had dark skin RASTAFARI TV February 9, 2018 March 22, 2023 LONDON — He had dark skin, brown curly hair and blue eyes, DNA tests suggest, upending a common assumption that Britain’s indigenous... 0497.7K3.7K0 Continue reading
CHANNELSFaith & SpiritualityFILM & MOVIESScience & Technology The truth about PARALLEL WORLDS.( Do ANGELS exist?) Mystic Vibration 10. Priest Isaac RASTAFARI TV March 31, 2017 March 22, 2023 Do you believe in the Unseen? Hon. Priest Isaac uses his National radio program to scientifically highlight the reality of Parallel... 046300 Continue reading
FILM & MOVIESHealth & VitalityNEWSScience & Technology Melanated people immune to rare disease (N-T-M) killing Caucasians in America RASTAFARI TV March 23, 2017 March 22, 2023 A mysterious medical disease that is only targeting white people is being investigated in the Montgomery County, PA. area. Doctors s... 046K5090 Continue reading
FILM & MOVIESScience & TechnologySustainable Life How sunshine is bringing radio to remote parts of South Sudan RASTAFARI TV February 14, 2017 March 22, 2023 Issa Kassimu, an electrical engineer, came up with the bright idea of setting up the country’s first solar-powered local radio... 081300 Continue reading
ActivismCHANNELSEVENTSFILM & MOVIESFinance & InvestmentLIJ Youth ChannelNation Building ProjectsNEWSRecipesRTV ORIGINALSScience & TechnologySolomonic DynastySustainable LifeTravel Bob Marley Foundation Partners with RTV to improve health & nutrition at Haile Selassie High School RASTAFARI TV January 4, 2017 March 22, 2023 The Vision of the Bob Marley Foundation is to positively impact those around us through Education, Culture, Healthcare and Sustainab... 01.3K80 Continue reading
ActivismFILM & MOVIESHealth & VitalityLIFESTYLENEWSScience & TechnologySustainable Life UN urges global move to meat and dairy-free diet to save the planet RASTAFARI TV October 20, 2016 March 22, 2023 Lesser consumption of animal products is necessary to save the world from the worst impacts of climate change, UN report says ... 01.7K150 Continue reading
Health & VitalityLIFESTYLENEWSScience & Technology Science Finally Confirms That People Absorb Energy From Others RASTAFARI TV October 18, 2016 March 16, 2023 A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative s... 01.3M45.8K0 Continue reading
FILM & MOVIESNEWSScience & Technology Internet Takeover by the U.N. Started Oct 1st 2016, some concern of global censorship RASTAFARI TV October 2, 2016 March 22, 2023 October 1st is D-Day for the start of the internet takeover, a scheme the Obama administration and the United Nations have been adva... 040200 Continue reading
FILM & MOVIESNEWSScience & TechnologySustainable LifeTravel Orang Laut/Bajau People: The Amazing Sea Nomads of the Asian Sea RASTAFARI TV September 30, 2016 March 22, 2023 Both Portuguese and Malay sources agree that one of Parameswara’s main sources of support when he fled from Palembang, Sumatra, to S... 01K00 Continue reading