A Peaceful Lifestyle Promotes Better Health – Step 2
by writer, Najaam Lee
Rastafari TV
The second step to our series is about Eating Clean.
What does it mean to eat clean? What is involved? Is there a difference in Natural foods vs. Organic foods?
A peaceful lifestyle to a better health begins in the Kitchen. The Lab. You can see this repeated throughout history or herstory from the Ancient healers. Healers of the past and present were so very connected to mother earth. Having a knowledge of all herbs, flowers, trees, and vegetation to keeping the body healthy, balanced and whole. They were able to keep a tribe in balance in mind, body and spirit. Their knowledge was passed down to every generation until certain European countries came in with their fears and greed, thinking that this knowledge was way too powerful and could over run them. So, what do you think they did? Yes, kill our people off. And I mean our Native Americans, Veda doctors of India, to our Egyptian healers and the Mystery school teachers, to our sisters of Ireland and Scotland, to our herbalists in Asia, etc etc… It happened in almost every major country around the world that Europe conquered, or placed their hands on.
It began to change when they began to take sick and their own doctors could not save them, that they turned to the tribal healers for help. Typical.
What’s so crazy about this is, it is STILL done today!
With that being said, we must look to the earth for guidance and direction on how to eat and eat clean. Meaning that we must try and avoid foods that are processed with non-food products/chemicals. In today’s markets it is very tricky because not all foods are properly or fully labelled with what is in the foods or how it was processed. This is also why Prayer is important, and I will get into to this later on.
In my continuous research, the main local supermarkets in each state manufacture or buy their produce from only a few main sources/ or top corporate companies. Natural foods, such as tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes etc… from these sources will spray some type of pesticide, among others onto the produce, so that when staging the foods in the grocery. they will look shiny, plumped and appetizing to the eyes. Yes, I did say ‘STAGING’. Every grocery store chain you enter, you are in for a show. Its a performance. And products want to out do other products. So when you first walk in, we are lead into the fresh produce area. The lighting is purposely done a certain way, as well as placement of the products. Go see for yourself. Don’t buy anything, walk around and see the performance. You ever notice the beautiful rainfall on certain produce? after that mist of water, somehow the produce looks greener, smells like fresh earth right, and makes you want to grab it and bag it, no matter if it costs a few cents more? Welcome to the dance of marketing.
Now, groceries are set up like this. All the fresh or better foods are on the outer perimeter of the whole store. All the isles in the middle of the store are processed foods or junk foods. If you really want to eat better buy only on the outer of the store, this includes the small organic section which most stores have on the outer part of the store.
Now, anything eye level or above will be more expensive. Foods that are lower level are much more cheaper. It may be a no name brand, but its the same exact product. remember, its all staging.
Taking advantage of your Farmers Market is essential to better health. Get as much from your local Farmers, and the rest at your supermarket. It will be a challenge removing the junk, including sugars, flours, salts, etc which are all placed in the middle section of the store. But it will add more years to your health.
When we look to Mother Earth, she has created everything that is necessary for the human kingdom and animal kingdom and the plant kingdom. So why go outside of that?
Our bodies that we carry now, in 2014 are very different than the bodies of 1714. We do not need to eat meat because we are not living such a high active lifestyle. Most of us are in front of a computer, laptop, or iPhone, about 10 – 18 hours a day. So the body needs only vegetables, grains, protein – from say cheese, grains, or a few eggs, and small amounts of carbs. Anything else is extra which is unnecessary.
Many will say, I have kids and they need to eat their meat. And in actuality, this is not true anymore. Schools have cut down on the amounts of outdoor activities and when kids get home they are sitting in front of a TV, Computer or at a table doing homework and studying. So we really need to look at what is essential for our bodies now. Adding heavy meats will only way down the body, mind and spirit. Plus, you are taking on the energy of that animal. We do not know exactly how it was slaughtered, so just the anxiety of its last day on earth will be held in the meat for a quite awhile. And when you consume that meat, you take on that energy. Most cases, people feel drowsy, weak, depressed, etc… that is all from the meat. Think about it.
Eating clean is a process that we need to take. Starting small is a great beginning. Taking that extra step to think about your health and the life you desire will bring lasting changes to your lifestyle. Question what you are eating. Ask your grocerer, how was a food processed, and whats in it. They are actually there to answer your questions. And if something does not look right, show them. I do this all the time, because it makes them aware that I know my stuff and they need to change things up, and they usually do, because you are the customer paying their weekly pay checks. So use your voice and be informed.
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Follow Najaam on Instagram: https://instagram.com/najaamlee