NEWSSolomonic Dynasty H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selasie I, The Early Days of Exile: Granted Asylum RASTAFARI TV August 10, 2016 March 7, 2023 The Emperor Haile Sellassie I, forced into exile because of the assassination attempts on His life by Benito Mussolini’s armies, dis... 073900 Continue reading
CHANNELSFILM & MOVIESHistory Roots and CultureSolomonic Dynasty Documentary: Footsteps of the Emperor – Haile Selassie I at Fairfield House, Bath RASTAFARI TV November 15, 2016 March 16, 2023 Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I, his wife Empress Menen Afsaw, the royal family and government and religious entourage, lived in... 060800 Continue reading