Activism Shocking! Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide in Ethiopia by government RASTAFARI TV August 15, 2015 March 7, 2023 STOP GENOCIDE & ETHNIC CLEANSING IN ETHIOPIA. Let us Pray for Ethiopia. To our viewers that raised the concern of the Oromos, i... 043300 Continue reading
ActivismEVENTSNEWS The Dominican Republic’s “Ethnic Purging” – Mass Deportation of Haitian Families RASTAFARI TV June 17, 2015 March 7, 2023 Today marks the deadline for undocumented workers to register their presence in the Dominican Republic or face mass deportation. Ho... 039500 Continue reading
ActivismNEWS 8 CONSPIRACY THEORIES THAT CAME TRUE: From a Fascist Coup d’état to the FBI Poisoning Alcohol (and Herb) RASTAFARI TV September 22, 2014 March 7, 2023 In 1967, the CIA moved to counter criticism of the Warren Report by weaponizing the term “conspiracy” as a pejorative in order to di... 056200 Continue reading