ActivismNEWSTravel China’s crazy number of ghost cities & this one in Angola will make you ask Why? RASTAFARI TV October 31, 2016 March 7, 2023 Eerie footage shows China’s ghost towns laying empty. There is a brand new Angolan city designed for 500,000 lying empty Nova... 05.5M28.2K0 Continue reading
FILM & MOVIESHistory Roots and CultureNEWSScience & Technology Chineses Ancestors Were Africans Leading Geneticist says RASTAFARI TV August 5, 2014 March 22, 2023 One of Chinas leading geneticists confirms that all Chinese people can trace their genetic lineage back to Africa further confirming... 046.1K5630 Continue reading
Finance & Investment Ethiopia Becomes China’s China in Global Search for Cheap Labor RASTAFARI TV August 4, 2014 March 7, 2023 Ethiopian workers strolling through the parking lot of Huajian Shoes’ factory outside Addis Ababa last month chose the wrong day to... 062100 Continue reading
ActivismFinance & InvestmentNEWSTravel BRICS establish $100bn bank and currency pool to cut out Western dominance RASTAFARI TV July 17, 2014 March 15, 2023 Source: The group of emerging economies signed the long-anticipated document to create the $100 bn BRICS Development Bank an... 052400 Continue reading
ActivismFinance & InvestmentNEWS Escobar: BRICS bank on its way to beat casino financial system RASTAFARI TV July 15, 2014 March 15, 2023 New Development Bank will provide money for infrastructure and development projects in BRICS countries, and unlike the IMF or World... 095.8K1.1K0 Continue reading
Finance & InvestmentNation Building ProjectsNEWS Chinese premier vows closer cooperation with Ethiopia RASTAFARI TV July 11, 2014 March 7, 2023 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R) meets with Ethiopian President Mulatu Teshome (L) in Beijing, capital of China, July 8, 2014.... 037900 Continue reading