Power of Meditation in Relation to Success
Watchman Yahu & Deborah Yah:
Provide InI with scriptural positive affirmations and emphasize the preponderance of mediation!
Many understand meditation to be contemplation, reflection and concentration on the Divine substance of all. In Joshua 1:8 it is written – This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Recorded in the Holy scriptures meditation is directly related to success and prosperity upon earth. The hebrew word hāgâ means to sigh murmur and mediate. The sighing and murmuring reminds me of the EOTC’s (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church) chanting. The Tibetan word for mediation is “Gom” meaning “to become familiar with”. With the aim of training the mind to become familiar with states such as compassion, patience and humility to say a few. In the video other biblical sources have been referenced in relation to mediation and prosperity.
Reciting affirmations has been viewed as a new age practice. The full truth is that many powerful affirmations are stored in the Metshaf Qiddus (Holy Bible). An affirmation is an assertion that something is true. For example when one feels weak the truth is through Iyesus Kristos we are strong. Below are some affirmations from the Metshaf Qiddus .