Ethiopia: The War in Africa that Changed the World!
This one is definitely a must see by every Ethiopian who loves Ethiopia a
nd her beautiful people.
Jeff Pearce speaks about the atrocity which took place in Ethiopia. He provides a glimpse of the magnitude of the war when he says ” this is the history that you never learnt about in school. About a war that changed the world. It inspired the first independence movements in Africa, it’s why we have propaganda and pyshcological warfare in Iraq and Afganistan. It helps explain why the middle east is the way it is today, it all comes down to this special place and time“.
May God protect Ethiopia from all these enemies inside and out. May we the people of Ethiopia see peace, love, harmony, brotherhood and sisterhood. May God/Allah the Almighty bless our nation and make our country strong and unite hearts of all its people.
Long live Ethiopia!
-Obang Metho