Ancient Records: Legends Of The Virgin Maryam, Identity & Lineage

‘Mary, the Perpetual Virgin, and Her Mother Hanna,’ was translated from the Ethiopian manuscripts collected in 1870, by King Theodore at Makdala, and is now in the British Museum, and translated by Sir Wallas Budge. Many times we find the best knowledge coming from the Ethiopia. Some legends of course come from Catholicism.
The description of the Virgin Mary by Epiphanius, the Bishop of Cyprus, was:–She was grave and dignified in all of her actions. She spoke little and only when necessary to do so. She listened readily and could be addressed easily. She paid honor and respect to everyone. She was of middle stature, but some say that she was of more than middle height. Her complexion was of the color of ripe wheat, and her hair was Auburn. Her eyes were bright and keen and light brown in color, and the pupils were of olive green tint. Her face was oval, her hands were long and her fingers were long. She wore garments of natural colors and was content with them. She as filled with Divine grace in all her ways.
The words accepted as absolute historical facts by the early Egyptian Christians was of the humanity of Mary and the humanity and divinity of the Christ, his Virgin birth, which proved the reality of His natures, the human and the Divine, perfect God, perfect man, the unity of His person, and the perpetual virginity of Mary, the mother of God, or the God-Bearer, have been the foundations of the belief of the Monophysite Church of Egypt for the last 8000 years. What the Coptic believed, they handed on to the Christian Ethiopians or Abyssinians. And they have kept the Faith to this day.
Under the influence of the teaching of the Apostles and disciples, Christ’s doctrine spread abroad in the regions outside Palestine and Syria, the converts to Christianity demanded more information about the life of Christ when upon earth, and that also, of Mary, both before and after his death, than the Gospels contained. The results of this demand was that many, both those with and those without adequate knowledge and wrote accounts and of the manner of the infancy of the Christ, stories of his childhood, and accounts of Mary which found general acceptance.
Video by: Lion of Judah Society with RasTafari Groundation
It is thus clear that in Apostolic times many such works were written and soon translated into languages of more remote countries. One of these works was called Protevangelion, or the Book of James the Less, the cousin of Christ, the Bishop of Jerusalem.
It was probably written in Hebrew and existed in the first Century A.D., brought to Europe from Constantinople, was printed at Basle in 1552. From this manuscript we learn that Mary’s father and mother were named Joachim and Anna, or Hanna. That Joachim consulted the Urim and the Thummim about the birth of the child whom the Angels had told him his barren wife would bear to him. And it describes the birth of Mary, the flight of Elizabeth to the mountains and the Essenes, and the Murder of Zacharias.
Another ancient work–The Gospel of the Birth of Mary, which is attributed to Matthew.
In this one, the story goes that an Angel told Joachim that God had shut the womb of Anna, or Hannah, his wife, so that He might open it in a more wonderful manner, and that the child born would not be the product of human lust, but the gift of God. Thus the Ethiopians then turned this book into the History of Hanna, (Anna). A translation of this book is here included and was repeated in the Protevangelin.
Many of the stories by St. Matthew, were carried over into the writing of the early Christian fathers. Of the miracles at the time of the baby Yahsua/Je-sus and the flight into Egypt. Men, in time, would glorify the stories of the works of Mary, and had people turning to her to intercede with her son. And thus, came forth the “Hail Mary’s.”
Egypt is said to have been well prepared to accept Christianity. For before this, they had their symbolism of Osiris the Ka of Ra, and were looking forward to the coming of ‘The son of Man,’ as Savior. They also had this belief in Isis. For years they had the annual performance of the ‘Great Miracle Play’ at Abydos, where in the life, death, funeral ceremonies, and resurrection of Osiris were presented. Thais was the forerunner of our “Passion Play.”

In the legend of Isis, it tells us how the bad one called Set tried to seize the kingdom of Osiris and take possession of His wife Isis, WHO WAS THEN WITH CHILD. BUT THE STORY GOES THAT SHE ESCAPED AND WENT TO A PEASANT’S HOME FOR PROTECTION, AND THERE BROUGHT FORTH HER CHILD.
One day when Isis was gone, the devil, Set, in the form of a scorpion, came and stung the child. And when she returned, the child Horus was dead. She called on Ra for help and he sent ‘Thoth and the child Horus arose. Then Thoth ascended into the heavens to his boat and continued his ride across the heavens.
Over the years, this tradition changed after the Adamites no longer governed that area. But in the beginning the story of Isis parroted the story of the woman of Revelation 12:1 thru 3.
Mary the Virgin, became with child from the Holy Spirit. And after she had given birth to this one called ‘son’ (issue] of God, she remained a virgin. Her flight from Herod’s wrath recalls the wandering of Isis. Both were said to be able to work miracles.
In the 1800’s, many manuscripts were taken to London, England, and were put in the British Museum.
Hannah (Anna), the mother of the virgin Mary, was of the staff of the Priesthood and Joachim, the father of Mary.—–Solomon begat Nathan, and Nathan begat Levi, and Levi begat Mattatha and Kesrahs, and Kesraha begat Joachim, the father of the Virgin Mary. Then Mattatha begat three daughters. The name of the eldest was Mary, the name of the second Sophia, and the name of the third was Hannah. And Mary bore Salome, and Sophia bore Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, and Hannah bore Mary the virgin.
Now Joseph, Mary the Virgin’s husband, was descended from David the king. For when Nathan, the brother of James died, Matthat married his widow so that he might raise up seed to his brother. He begat Eli. And Eli and James were brothers. And Eli begat Joseph. Behold then, Joseph and Mary were related to each other. Joseph was a widower, he was an elder about 93 years old when Maryam was bethrowed to him. Thus the brothers of sisters of Messiah are the children of Joseph and was not from Our Lady. Joseph was the one connected to Joachim, Mary’s father. Joachim was of the tribe of Judah and of the family of David. Hannah was past the age of child bearing when Mary was conceived. Hannah had prayed and prayed to have a child for the kingdom. She did not understand the God was reserving her womb for a special conception. This would be her purpose in life to bring forth the child –Mary, who would thus be the mother of God when in earth.
Now in the traditions, Hannah was more blessed than all the women before her, even the wife of Jared who gave birth to Enoch, even tho Enoch, himself, mounted to heaven in a whirlwind. Nor even the mothers of Noah and Abraham were not more blessed. Neither was Sarah or Rebecca. For Hanna earned her place in the kingdom of heaven. She bore her sorrow of being barren until the time came for her to do her part in this program of ‘The Almighty.’
When Hannah declared that her daughter should be a ‘priviledged one,’ many of her people doubted her. But Hannah did not live long to take their abuse. She died and was buried in the grave of her father.
Mary remained in the sanctuary until the Angel Gabriel came to tell her that God was with her. ‘Behold, thou shalt conceive and bring forth a son and call his name YAHSHUA.’ Then Mary recalls that her mother had said unto her before she died that the Son of God shall be born of thee.
When Hannah prayed to have a child, she had told YAHWEH that if she could have either a son or a daughter, she would give this child to be a servant unto God, and dedicate him or her unto the house of His Sanctuary, and they would not depart from there. And Angel came to Joachim to prepare a sacrifice, and he did as bidden. And then he was told that his wife would have a beautiful daughter whose son would rule over the house of Jacob for ever and of his kingdom there would be no end.
Now after Christ’s resurrection, this tells us Mary stayed in the home of John the Apostle into whose care YAHSHUA had committed her. But she would go to Golgotha to pray. And it came to pass that the Jews saw her and were filled with wrath, and wished to stone her. But God made her to disappear out of their sight. Then they set guard over that area and she was not able to go there any more.
When Mary as ready to depart this life, it is said that all the apostles came to see her.
There was said to be a book telling of the martyrdom of the twelve Apostles and the 72 disciples written in Hebrew and in Latin. But it has not yet been found.