G(e)(e)z ግእዝ (or ግዕዝ in alterated form) means 3 things:
1) “First”. In fact, the first vowel is called “Geez“, like a first language, i.e. the language that God used to create the world and to speak with Adam in the beginning. It is the Language of Time (“Gizie”), the most ancient one, eternally existing through the ages.
“Geez” order of vocalization is also consider the natural and simple state of a letter. It means that Ge’ez is the original natural Pure Language (described in Zepheniah 3,9), coming from the mouth of the Creator, that created us through these same names, without any human superstructure.
Geez is also the first style of traditional chant, together with “Ezil” and “Araray“, and represents the Father.
2) “Free”. For it is the tongue of the always free Ethiopian people (“Agezan”), and it is free from Babilon pollution, confusion and curse. Tongue of the Lord (“Egzie”) in full sovereignty and power over Creation.
In the traditional liturgical book of “Wuddasie Maryam” (Praise of Mary), it is said that Christ liberated Adam: “Ageezo le Adam“, as He also taught him to speak in the beginning, and loose his tongue and mind.
3) “Conscience” or “Spiritual Essence”. For we have been created through this language, 22 basic chromosoms like 22 major letters of Geez Alphabeth. Our DNA is written with this code, and our soul naturally speaks Geez (Voice of Coscience), and recognizes it as the pure creational language of its core.

WHY LEARN GEEZ (Ancient Ethiopic) ?
– Because it is the oldest human language, as old as homo sapiens who comes from Ethiopia. It therefore preserves the words and experiences of our ancestral fathers and allows us to reconnect to the deepest roots of human history.
– Because it is not a human and conventional language, but a divine and natural one, with which God created all things in the beginning and which he taught to Adam. The words of Geez are onomatopoeic and pictographic evocations of real things, and through them we can acquire wonderful logical and natural knowledge.
– Because the Geez Bible is the oldest and most complete version available to us, and by studying that it is possible to remove all the veils of mystification and manipulation that have been placed over it by Romanized Judaism and Christianity.
– Because it is built according to a gematric and kabbalistic system that is much more orderly and coherent than the commonly known Jewish one: it is the code that allows us to interpret and decipher created reality, and the “genome” of God that enables us to know its Mind and Essence.
– Because it is in itself a humanly inexplicable prophetic miracle, which gives solidity and strength to the student’s faith and nourishes his spiritual life with conviction.
– Because it is the original language of God, and the privileged communication channel to invoke Him and adore Him, and also to interact with the forces of nature that were created according to his arcana.
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