Twenty Steps to Decolonize, Dedomesticate, Reindigize and Rebuild Our Indigenous Civilizations
Our world is undergoing the greatest transformation in human history. When it is over everything will be completely changed from our modern world. Nothing will resemble what we know today. There will be no more jobs, no companies, no democracy, no universities, no authority, no schools, no reservations, no governments. The good news is that the world will look very much like the world of our Indigenous ancestors. Today we are in the process of literally creating a new civilization or better stated re-creating the Indigenous civilization–it is a transformation that is unstoppable by any force on Earth. We are unknowingly rebuilding our Indigenous civilization and returning to the Indigenous ways of our ancestors.
We are not proposing some theoretical ideology. We are showing you how the world is naturally evolving driven by information technology as explained in the book Infinite Wealth–A New World of Collaboration and Abundance in the Knowledge Era. As Indigenous people we are in a unique position to lead the transformation and be full participants because the world is transitioning to Indigenous organizing systems and away from the authoritarian organizing systems of Europe. Though the European systems have dominated the entire world for 500 years they are at the end of their useful life. However, the transformation will happen with or without Indigenous people. Already white people have 2,000 “intentional communities” in the USA *6 as they try to mimic our Indigenous Ways of life. If the Brown people of the world do not wake up and begin taking ACTION We may end up in a world with only white people living pseudo Indigenous ways of our Indigenous ancestors while we having adopted the white ways, living the artificial city life, have gone extinct as that system collapsed and died.
THE VISION: The new civilization will be one where everyone lives in extended family groups, close to the land, connected to other extended family groups (tribes) working together meeting their own living needs through their tribe (networks of Indigenous family communities) * 18.
Another key thing to understand in deciding which side of the transformation you will be on is that the European ways of the modern world are evil *9. The European ways are how we are all living in the modern world. These ways are exterminating the Indigenous world and have us in a war with God *7. They are literally transforming us into devils *8. The white ways of meeting our living needs are done through massive pain, polluting, destruction, suffering, murder, theft and rape *10. The white ways are a dead end road. Our ancestor way of love is the only human nature and the righteous way for humans to live on the planet *11. We must chose to live either the white way or the Indigenous Ways of our ancestors *12. We cannot have it both ways. We cannot call ourselves Natives but live as “domesticated” white people *12 with our jobs, stores, products and polluting and murdering ways. If we live as white people then we are “domesticates” and no longer Native, just as a poodle is no longer a wolf *9. After domestication the wolf is now a dog.
A people cannot have self-determination without a land base. Our Native land was stolen. The plan below centers around us creating networks of Indigenous family communities each on 200 to 500 acres of land. Creating networks of communities gives us a land base. As the first communities are now coming online we have communities connected via commerce and information technology forming a functional land base. We will buy back our continent one community and 200 acres at a time. As information technology advances, and people transitioning to communities becomes the norm of how everyone lives, we have the opportunity to buy all of our land back from the thieves 200 acres at a time. In order buy our land back we must have money. We can get money with our own businesses within our communities. Communities give families the opportunity to come together, live together as our ancestors and grow strong economically, spiritually, socially and in all ways. We start businesses, we buy land back, we build communities where we begin meeting our own living needs and creating our own systems of trade. It is a simple formula and it is in alignment with the unstoppable social trends. If we fail to create our networks of communities white people will create communities and there may be no place for brown people.
Take a look for yourself as what they are doing while we work in jobs in cities supporting a dying system: Fellowship for Intentional Communities:
Of course these are not the same communities that we are creating. But they are trying to mimic how our ancestors were living. As we see with much of Indigenous culture worldwide white people will steal it and claim it from themselves and take ownership of it. As with surfing, yoga, martial arts they take over and they become the exerts. And now it is happening with Indigenous living. They are taking the lead as the people on the planet attempting to return to living the Indigenous Ways. Will they miss the main attributes of the Indigenous Way? Of course they will. But lets not miss the point and miss the boat. There is the real possibility that if we do not get our act together, and return to family living on a land based, we may very well go extinct, as the white people’s artificial system collapses with us now so hopelessly addicted to it. And the only people who survive are white people in communities trying to emulate the ways of our ancestors.
It is time to get serious!! We have 600 million Natives in America. If 20% of us went back to living our way and getting our needs met via our family and network of communities the entire white supremacy system would collapse. We don’t need to protest. We need to lead the transformation. We need to build our communities, our families and our peaceful networks and tribes.
- Commit yourself to your family’s liberty, empowerment, safety, health, wealth. Make this your primary life’s mission. As long as you are living within the system of the modern world, created for you by white people, you are a slave to white supremacy and doing the work of white supremacy with your family and your life committed to white supremacy. Your heath is poor, your eating is poor, learning is poor, you are not safe, your freedom is severely limited, you are living an evil life getting your living needs met through murder, theft, extermination, pollution and rape *7, *8, *9, *10. You are a prisoner and slave in your own land. And you are condemning your children and their children to a life of slavery, ignorance, poverty and servitude to white supremacy.
- Come to the realization that virtually all that we know is programming from the white supremacy Matrix. We know little to nothing that is real and accept that there are traps everywhere *2 (see reference material at the bottom of the page). Learn the true history of our world and not what the white people have brainwashed us in *3. Enroll in the course Brown Continent University-Curriculum of Indigenous Studies *1
- Begin re-identifying as Native, the Original people to the Western Hemisphere. Get rid of your slave name and get your Native name. Begin talking to your family and extended family about your family’s Native identity *13, *14 *15.
- Begin developing a plan to create an Indigenous family community to move your family into so that you can return to the Indigenous Ways of living of our *5. Begin talking to your family and extended about making the transition. Become the ambassador for your family and extended to reindigizing *1. Start a business for funds, purchase land in the country, learning how to build and grow food.
- Continually connect with and getting to know other Native and other Brown people in North and South America and as many Brown people as you can from around the world. All Brown people world wide come from the same Natural Indigenous worldview *3. First connect with people who are the most awakened since they can help you more. Then connect with others who are awakening like you. Connect with other Brown people who are not yet awaken and help them get to where you are. Spread the word to other people within your network.
- Synthesize *17, read, meditate, pray, dance, sing, question, network, connect to spirit. Avoid getting stuck here. This is where virtually everyone gets stuck. Most get stuck at ceremony because it feels very good. So we stay in our jobs, continuing to live in the murderous Matrix and become weekend pow wow or ceremony Natives.
- Enroll in the Brown Continent University-Curriculum of Indigenous Studies *4. This is critical because everything that we know has been taught to us by the white people and it is all designed to keep us trapped as slaves. “I freed a thousand slaves, I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” Harriet Tubman “
- Connect with our strategic planners and develop your plan to create your Indigenous family Community or move to a community
- Get a business operating to support your community. Build your analytical skills so that you can effectively operate your business within the white system. Our strategic planners will help you. Invite your friends and family to join you on the journey helping you build your community. Recruit people with the diverse skills needed to make the journey.
- Purchase 100 to 500 acres of land with money from your business. Move onto this land and reconnect with the Mother and Natural world. Create a place for your family and friends to come, perhaps from the city, even if they are not currently ready. We must get our land back.
- Begin practicing your Indigenous ceremonies and spirituality WITHIN your family community. Move away from weekend pow wow’s and ceremonies. These are traps to keep us stuck supporting white supremacy. Work on healing so that you and your family can stay together. KEEP YOUR FAMILY TOGETHER within your community.
- Begin connecting with other communities for interdependence, trade, barter, gifting, recognition. Alone in our one community we are very weak and must stay connected to the Matrix. We MUST connect into a network of communities forming a tribe as our ancestors were organized. Eventually as more and more communities are created and more and more networks are created your small network of communities will connect up with other networks of communities eventually covering all of the Western Hemisphere *5. Begin participating in the Brown Continent Native recognition system and be start formally recognizing and being recognized by other Native people and communities through the continent. As the number of Indigenous communities, networks of communities (tribes) grows large enough, strong enough, connected enough and disconnected enough from the Matrix enough peacefully declare we will eventually declare our sovereignty.
- Begin moving towards meeting all of your own living needs through your family community and network of communities:- Begin growing your own original food and eating naturally within your community on your own land with your family and friends.- Begin building your own living dwellings naturally.- Begin community schooling your children. “Only a fool allows his enemy to educate his children” Malcolm X- Begin taking care of your own health and medical needs with your own healers within community
- Relearn your Indigenous language. Teach your language within your community. Without language our minds do not have the building blocks to create the new civilization.
- Begin integrating ceremonies into daily work and life (this may take generations).
- Begin relearning to think synthesis *17 so that you can begin the transition to the ways of our ancestors.
- Develop activists within your community who can work on issues affecting your local community. Our liberation and empowerment will not come through activist work however we must keep the aggressive Matrix at bay as we build. As family and friends come together operating your community business you will be able to grow a multi-million dollar business and will be able to support two or three or more full time activists to address issues important to your community.
- Continue to disconnect from the Matrix one step at a time and wait for the purification. Mother Earth and the Universe must be purified from the possession that has infected all of humanity. Prepare for the great healing to come afterwards.“Those who return to the ways given to us in the original teachings, and live a natural way of life will not be touched by the coming of the Purifier. They will survive and build the new world. Only in the ancient teachings will the ability to understand the messages be found.” Hopi Prophecy.
There are many people today who are protesting and writing on FB regarding Indigenous liberation, ending oppression, caring for the environment. The above is plan that goes all of the way. And all of the way is whet we must do. Talk is great. Facebook posting is great. Protesting is ok. But they amount to nothing without a capable plan, action and building. Yes we must build. These 20 steps are what is needed to begin re-building the system of social order that has been on Turtle Island for tens of thousands of years and the system that world is currently re-birthing. We have to be very careful what we call what we are building. We ALL have been brainwashed in the ways of Europe with their fragmented, control and authoritarian worldview. So we don’t say we are re-establishing our nations because our notions of nations is mostly coming from a white perspective. Thus we are re-establishing Networks of Indigenous Communities *5 where we meet our own living needs independent of the white system.
The plan is to grow these networks. As we build our communities we are reestablishing our land base by buying back our land. Since we are the majority on the continent as we organize and grow our system it will naturally become the system that all people must live within on our land. As we begin down the path more will be revealed to us regarding what we are to do and re-establish.
The full reindigizing process likely will generations. Anyone can at least start planning the 20 steps above regardless of how many obstacles are in front of you. A plan is a plan. Most of our people, due to low self-esteem, will not put together a plan and instead they will list the many reasons why they cannot take the 20 steps. Until you put together a planyou should STOP the actions below because you are only deceiving yourself and are in reality supporting the white supremacy Matrix. If all you are doing are the items below with no plan for the 20 steps then all you are doing satisfying your guilt for now being a part of the murderous killing white supremacist machine.
The actions below make you feel like you are doing something positive when in reality you have become WHITE SUPREMACY.
- ONLY Weekend pow wows
- ONLY doing weekend ceremonies
- ONLY Protesting and raging against the system.
- ONLY Facebook protesting, posting, writing and liking.
- ONLY Complaining.
- ONLY Eating organic foods for selfish reasons.
- ONLY Going to church
- ONLY Idling no more
- ONLY Occupying
- ONLY learning Native language
If you are ONLY doing the things above with a liberation plan you are merely getting the benefits from the killing machine while pretending to be against it:
- No spirituality can be found is a city!
- Weekend pow wows and ceremonies are now doing more harm than good because they give us the false sense that we are doing something but we are merely practicing for the game. It is now time to stop practicing and get in the game.
- Protesting is great and sometimes necessary. But if we are not building and All we are doing is protesting then what we resist will persist.
Questions and Answers:
- Question: In the 20 steps you seem to indicate that Indigenous Family Community and networks of communities is the only path to full liberation and empowerment. Is this what the plan is saying? Answer: YES ABSOLUTELY!!!!! There literally is no other answer and NO other path. We MUST NOT get our living needs met through the white system (stores, products, jobs, democracy, government, power companies, schools, farmers, etc) because if we do we are 1) murdering, raping and stealing, 2) helping to exterminate the Indigenous world (through pollution, development, domestication, corruption, poverty, war), 3) helping to exterminate ourselves, 4) supporting white supremacy and growing their system, 5) aiding the devil in the war against God, 6) poisoning our minds, bodies, and souls, 7) Delaying and perhaps preventing the rebirth of our indigenous civilization. When for example you analyze where and how your electricity is produced you see that is it highly polluting and murderous: uranium, coal, oil, gas, hydro. The same is true with all of our living needs today being met through the white Matrix. We must with all deliberate speed be getting our human living needs met through our family, extended family-community and network of communities where we can meet our living needs sustainably. No matter what you are doing protesting, ceremony, language, crafts, pow wow, if you are not planning or moving towards getting your needs met outside of the Matrix you are merely playing feel good games. Without community there can be no new indigenous civilization and without a new Indigenous civilization we are destine to be slaves of white people forever.
- Question: My calling is language (you can replace the word language with any of these: ceremony, song, communications, dance, drumming, arts, crafts). I am driven to bring back our native language (ceremony, song, dance, drumming, crafts). If I do this my heart tells me and I KNOW that I am on the right path and doing good for our people. Answer: Where will the language that you are teaching reside? How will language benefit anyone within the Matrix? How can Native language within the Matrix be anything but a hobby. I know a lady who has devoted her life to Native ceremony. She started teaching a group of Native children ceremony in a native tribe. The entire tribe was doing ceremony within a few years. As the children became adults the leader became a fundamentalist christian preacher and stopped doing ceremony. The children grew up and joined the Matrix and the tribe stopped doing ceremony. Without “interdependent” Indigenous family community there is no place for your efforts with language, ceremony, song, communications, dance, drumming, arts, crafts to reside and stick. Yes you are being called to do your one spiritual gift, however, you are being called to do it in synthesis *17 with others while rebuilding our Indigenous civilization and not by yourself. Doing your solo gift alone is “spiritual masturbation” it may feel good but you are not really doing anything. One cannot make love alone. Within community your spiritual genius has a home long term–a place for your calling to stick and to be put together with many of aspects of our ancestors Indigenous civilization. Whatever you are doing today where do you see the end game? How does it get our people to liberation and empowerment?
- Question: Do the steps have to be done in the exact order as defined above. Answer: No
- Question: I don’t want to abandon my people in the cities. Answer: You are not abandoning them. You are blazing a trail and creating a place for them to come as they awaken via your help. Staying with them is the city is signing your family and their family’s death warrant since there is no future in a city. The white-man’s cities are dead!! Also cities may also seem save because you are surrounded by thousands of other people like you but in reality you are in a giant trap that is very easy to close the door and exterminate all within the city limits.
- Question: What do you mean by liberation

*1 Brown Continent University-Curriculum of Indigenous Studies Continue growing what
*3 A Brief History of the Universe and Humanity
*4 Brown Continent University-Curriculum of Indigenous Studies
*5 Network of Indigenous Communities:
*6 Fellowship for Intentional Communities:
*7 The War Against God–We’ve Built our World on the Wrong Foundation–The Indians Were on the Right Path!!!
*8 We Once Were Gods—But Are Now Being Converted into Devils:
*10 My Heart is Broken–The Price of Living White
* 11 The Only True Human Nature is Love—Natural People areTrue Humans but Domesticated Humans Have a Fear-Selfish Nature
* 12 One Cannot Walk Two Roads at the Same Time – We Must Return to Family-Community Living
*13 If We Look Native it is Because We are Native–If It Walks Like a Duck, Looks Like a Duck, Quacks like a Duck Then It is a Duck
*14 If Mexicans are Spanish, Then Lakota are French and Cherokee are English
*15 Mexicans are Indians – Will the Real Illegal Aliens Please Stand Up
*16 Indigenous Language Revitalization Alliance
* 17 Synthesis and Analysis-The Foundations of Reality
*18 The Vision of a New Indigenous Civilization
Revised: August 21, 2012
Source: Brown Continent Facebook Page