We are deeply impressed and encouraged to see our people assuming social responsibility and making substantial contributions towards community betterment through hundreds of self-help projects in all walks of life. All the same, in our fight against poverty, disease, and ignorance, Our people will have to put in greater efforts and sacrifices so that we may attain Our cherished goal of a higher and more satisfying level of life and living. In this noble task each one of Our people, men and women, young and old, rich and poor, able and disabled, has a role to play and We are sure Our Empire will march ahead towards prosperity and progress through united efforts of all Our citizens. In order to hasten this process, numerous projects have been launched both with local community support as well as international assistance. To live a full life and to be thankful for the blessings of God nothing is more rewarding than after having learned to teach your fellow-man, using your talent to teach others. May God guide you in the accomplishment of this task.We express Our gratitude to the Government of the United States of America for their contribution towards the building of this centre and to its successful functioning. Oct. 25, 1962