Health & VitalityLIFESTYLENEWS The Home Birth Project Documentary /part 2 RASTAFARI TV December 6, 2013 The Home Birth Project is dedicated to educating people on the value of home birth. We are committed to providing you with resources... 024.7K0.9K0 Continue reading
Health & VitalityLIFESTYLENEWS Black Women Breastfeeding: a Multi-generational Story RASTAFARI TV December 6, 2013 Black Maternal Health, a project of Women’s eNews, presents an interview with former WNBC news anchor and Grandmother Carol Je... 0221.4K3740 Continue reading
LIFESTYLE Baby Circulation Right After Birth RASTAFARI TV December 6, 2013 Watch how the blood flows through the baby’s circulation and compare it to what happens in the fetus. Rishi is a pediatric inf... 0885.5K6.4K0 Continue reading
History Roots and CultureLIFESTYLE Anna Grier Midwife – Speaks RASTAFARI TV December 6, 2013 Betty Sue Gunthrope speaks to the influence of early twentieth century midwife, Anna Grier and the role of African American women as... 03860.9K0 Continue reading
History Roots and CultureLIFESTYLE Midwives of South Caroline – Midwifery in the 20th Century RASTAFARI TV November 6, 2013 Segment of a documenatry about midwifery in South Carolina through the 20th Century 05553000 Continue reading