SHORT FACTS Quick Fact | Did you Know? Christianity was in Africa before Rome RASTAFARI TV October 18, 2015 March 7, 2023 DID YOU KNOW? Frumentius (a Syrian Christian) baptized Ezana and his twin brother, Sheazana. Frumentius gave Ezana the name of Abreh... 032300 Continue reading
CHANNELSEthopian Orthodox TewahedoFaith & SpiritualityHistory Roots and Culture Bob Marleys Christian belief and baptism in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church by Archbishop Abuna Yesehaq RASTAFARI TV December 14, 2014 March 15, 2023 The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is one of the oldest organized churches (If not the oldest) in the world and dates back to biblical ti... 0235.7K2.3K0 Continue reading