Sept. 13, 1935 Empress Menen Speech Addressing the World Women Association
In 1935, Fascist Italy started its invasion of Ethiopia. Empress Menen gathered Ethiopian women together, preparing logistic support and first aid materials, and sent them to the battlefield.
On Sept. 13, 1935, Empress Menen addressed the World Women Association against the Italian aggression and appealed to all world nation states.
The following is Empress Menen’s speech:
“I am pleased to present my speech to all women of the world. When Italy conquered our people and country, the World Women Association supported us to settle peace and freedom. We are very happy to express our deep feeling for the association. When I am speaking now in order to be understood by all countries, my daughter, Princess Tsehaye, will translate my speech into English.
Princess Tsehaye translated Empress Menen’s speech as follows:
“During this time Italy conquered us with difficulty unjustly, and world women should hear their voice. Even though women around the world are living in different countries with different climates, all women are interrelated with the same will and objectives.
War is distress and trouble for mankind; all world women are in different countries, different races, and religions. The act of violence and war victimized their husbands, brothers, and children. War is a destruction of the family and can make people immigrants. So women are against war. We know that all Italian mothers and barren women may worry about the war, since war is good for nothing. Therefore, all women found in the world should prevent the war before it brings trouble and distress. They should collaborate on using their voice and request to avoid the war before the bloodshed comes on both sides.
Ethiopia does not think to act on the violent conflict; her wish is to maintain peace. Ethiopia tried to settle the conflict peacefully in the early months. In every aspect, Ethiopia has done her best. So we are mentally free. Ethiopian people welcomed any foreigners and guests who came to work peacefully and innocently. Ethiopian people showed good hospitality to foreigners, as has been narrated in the history of the world. However, one state that is a neighbor to Ethiopia is trying to control and govern. Ethiopia is always on the line of peace, while the rival state is looking only at its own interest.
The enemy deployed its army and based around our country to kill our women’s husbands, children, and brothers. Our people live and work peacefully, being God-fearing, but the enemy is trying to devastate the wealth of the country and destroy our family in the name of modernization. We pray to God not to face such kind of distress and destruction if the so-called modernization brings big trouble. Hence, the Association, which is established for the purpose of peace by World Women, may exert influence to bring peace and stability.
We don’t hesitate that the World Women Association may contribute a lot to settling this conflict peacefully. We pray to God that the Association accomplishes its mission. We hope the act of the Association may bring fruitful results to preserve peace and security in our country.
Nonetheless, if the war is started, we women should treat wounded soldiers and minimize the trouble of the war. Women who are living all over the world who stand for peace may help us during the wartime. We know that these women assist the sacrificed patriot’s family. All women of the world should struggle to bring peace and justice. Government officials may be guided on the line of God; we pray for this, and you may collaborate with us.”