Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller
Office of the Prime Minister
1 Devon Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica
Via email: [email protected]
We, the beloved citizens of the island of Jamaica are appalled at the present situation at the Haile Selassie High School in St. Andrew. This particular institution was given to the island as a gift by the esteemed Emperor of Ethiopia, H.I.M. Haile Selassie I, during his visit to the island in April of 1966. This year being the Golden Jubilee or 50th Anniversary of the visit, we are even more appalled at the state of affairs at this institution. Because of this, we are appealing to the Jamaican government to immediately set a right the aforementioned so that we the people of Jamaica will continue to be proud of our heritage and reflected the appropriate respect for this selfless gift bestowed on us by our beloved Ethiopian Emperor. Moreover, anything less than a favorable and prompt response is strictly prohibited.
On January 18, 2016, RasTafari TV Network, in conjunction with Jamaicans Abroad Helping Jamaicans at Home Foundation (JAH JAH) and DARC Foundation will host a free health fair for the students of the Haile Selassie School and members of the surrounding Kingston, St. Andrew community. Knowing that this is your constituency, we extend an invitation to you, to participate in and support what we hope will be an annual event. Volunteers from the US and Jamaica will be on hand from 9am through 4pm to provide health and dental screenings. The cadre of volunteers are medically trained and include nurses, doctors, and dentists; whom will work under the direction of Dr. Trevor Dixon, Founder of JAH JAH Foundation.
As you know, The Haile Selassie I High School now sits in a garrison between three rival gangs and oftentimes, children lack basic necessities or school fees and many sometimes go hungry during the day. Our commitment to the Haile Selassie Shool and “Payne Land” is intended to develop a healthy and resourceful community; beginning with the children attending the school.
Please know, that as a nonprofit organization, our work is made possible through the generosity of those committed to community development; many of whom are followers of the teachings of His Majesty. We invite you to consider a cash or in-kind donation to offset the costs of treat bags of healthy snacks and natural hygiene products. We are aiming to serve 1,000 students and community members; at no cost to them.
Prime Minister, we welcome your support in any way and invite you and/or your designee to attend. We look forward to your support.
Kindest Regards,
Sis. Fan’aye SunLight-Selassie, Founder