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Jabulani Busara Lissongo (Wil Taylor) Contact Phone Number 321-398-2169Offline


    African Ancestry and Economic Elevation!

    Our DNA is literally a recording of Our Existence on the planet! Our Truth is within us always. We’ve never stopped being The Amazing Great Original Creations that We Are! We’ve just been disconnected by colonialism and barbaric acts of wickedness! We must embrace Our Truth and Reality and dislodge from the lies and results of the atrocious wicked and barbaric forces of colonialism and westernization of eurocentric ideologies. Africans, know Your Value Truth and Reality! You Are Not The Lie that You have been forced into. You are much greater!

    What we love to do is Elevate Our People. Whether it’s getting to know your African Bloodline Lineage back 2000 years or perhaps you would like to grow in our economical community. This among other services is our passion.


    Please Quest for, Learn and Know YOUR TRUTH!
    If you don’t know Your Bloodline DNA prior to colonialism and slavery, You are disconnected from Your Truth and are still functioning under the Lie that you were taught. It’s an Amazing Feeling to Know that My Bloodline DNA goes back over 2000 years to The Lissongo People of Central Africa Paternally and The Temne People of West Africa Maternally. Knowing My Truth in Bloodline and DNA has literally been Life Changing! You won’t understand until You know Yours!



    Health Wellness Economical and African DNA Self Knowledge/Awareness Opportunities Provider

    I council and provide opportunities for anyone to pursue and accomplish higher levels of health, overall wellness and economical success as well as council educate and advocate for one's pursuit of his/her African DNA prior to colonialism and slavery. KNOW YOUR TRUTH!

    About Me

    Jabulani Busara Lissongo (Wil Taylor)

    Pan Africanist Educator and Advocate of Health Wellness Economical Elevation and Self Knowledge/Awareness in terms of one’s African DNA Bloodline and Lineage.

    I have a historical background in financial literacy and education, African History prior to colonialism and slavery and as well, in health and overall wellness.


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