Free Audio Book: Wonderful Ethiopians and the Ancient Cushite Culture
Audio Book By Drusilla Dungee Houston

Book Excerpt: In those early ages Egypt was under Ethiopian domination. In proof of this fact, the Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature says, “Isaiah often mentions Ethiopia and Egypt in close political relations. In fine the name of Ethiopia chiefly stood as the name of the national and royal family of Egypt. In the beginning Egypt was ruled from Ethiopia. Modern books contain but little information about the country of the Upper Nile, but archaic books were full of the story of the wonderful Ethiopians.

The ancients said that they settled Egypt. Is it possible that we could know more about the origin of this nation than they? Reclus says, “The people occupying the plateau of the Blue Nile, are conscious of a glorious past and proudly call themselves Ethiopians.”
The Greeks looked to old Ethiopia and called the Upper Nile the common cradle of mankind.Toward the rich luxurience of this region they looked for the “Garden of Eden.” The Greeks also said that Egyptians derived their civilization and religion from Ethiopia. “Egyptian religion was not an original conception, for three thousand years ago she had lost all true sense of its real meaning among even the priesthood.” (Budge, Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection–Preface.)
Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire
by Drusilla Dunjee Houston